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What makes for the difference between an employee and an entrepreneur?

Are you a CEO? Want your business to soar? Read on!

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Benefits in a nutshell:

In good times, your workforce will create more profits;
In bad times, your enterprise will devastate competition.


Historical Note

For the last two centuries and up to now, when a private person in a developed country needs help, he hires someone to do the work for wages. That mode of labour utilization (MLU) is known as employment. 

Before employment, when a private person needed help, he bought the worker. There were two MLUs where the worker was bought and owned by his employer – slavery and (in Europe) serfdom. Before slavery, labour was utilized in families and tribes. Still earlier – in human herds.

Each consecutive MLU ushered in a level of productivity hitherto unheard of. Consequently, the average level of material well-being rose rapidly with the introduction of each consecutive mode.

There are sure indications of the employment mode coming to its end. 

I am introducing here the post-employment MLU. With its implementation, productivity will rise again to unheard of levels and the average level of material well-being will rise rapidly again.


So you are Chief Executive of your Corporation.

Things are going well. Your projections for the future are coming true.

As for yourself, you are driven as much by your enthusiasm about the future success of your venture as you are driven by the increased earnings related to this success.

Can you say the same about your subordinates – all the way down to the cleaning staff? For a corporation to succeed, enthusiasm on a job outside the executive suite is as essential as enthusiasm inside the executive suite. It is the weakest link in a chain that determines its strength.

Wouldn't it be nice to induce more of your staff with your enthusiasm and your loyalty to corporate goals?

If it were to happen, imagine the results.

Would you like to find out what exactly makes for the difference between your attitude toward corporate success and theirs?

How the Human Nature of your employees works against corporate success, and how it can be turned to work for it?

Please contemplate the following:

An entrepreneur is full of enthusiasm about his venture. That does not surprise anyone.

Can one expect the same degree of enthusiasm from his employee on the job?

Does the size of employee compensation determine his attitude toward his job?


Wouldn't you have an easier time reaching corporate goals by leading entrepreneurs rather than by managing employees?

Can you turn an employee into an entrepreneur by training him to become one?

Interested in answers to these questions? Want to enjoy a fresh look at the existing interaction between the corporation and its workforce? Want to find out, for the first time, how this existing interaction naturally and inevitably is leading to your corporation speeding away with the handbrake on? To see how, with no effort on your part and without a net cost to your corporation, this hurdle to corporate success can be turned around to become an engine of that success?  

If these questions, and the single answer to them, are of interest you, please click CONTENTS below.


What do you gain from my approach?

In general – running the corporation will become a pleasant and relaxing activity for you, while your goals will be easier to achieve with your newly enthusiastic and supportive staff.

In detail, to name a few of the advantages:

  • instead of supervising employees, you will only need to inform them about new directions and procedures. You will lead – not supervise them; that will afford you the ultimate level of control;
  • accordingly, your organization's management structure will become flatter;
  • with fewer supervisors on your payroll, you will be able to afford better supervisors;
  • inexperienced workers will eagerly learn from old-timers who will become eager to share experience for their own profit; that means less training expenses;
  • reduced absenteeism, turnover and burnout; no theft, no sabotage;
  • new plants will reach break-even point faster, and with less effort on your part;
  • and then the obvious corollaries – workers’ loyalty, workers’ assistance in staffing and finding temporary help, more efficient use of equipment and raw materials, diligent attendance;
  • add to it the pleasant purposeful atmosphere, respect for achievers and spontaneous formation of teams to solve current problems.

I am sure you will discover more advantages in addition to the above listed few.

To grasp the difference in a nutshell, see the fictional story about Joe and Bloe.


Employee engagement is a property of the relationship between an organization and its employees. An "engaged employee" is defined as one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work and so takes positive action to further the organization's reputation and interests. (Wikipedia)








           My book Smiling for Profit is available from the following sellers:


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See the CONTENTS of the book, as well as an excerpt from it.

Contact: MottyPerel @ gmail.com

Twitter Acct: https://twitter.com/@MottyPerel